Girl's bibs

Girl's bibs

Boy's bibs

Boy's bibs
tractors and "dawgs"

April 23, 2008

Slow but steady

As you can see I have added to my page. I am learning as I go so if something looks a little funny you know why. Over the next few weeks I plan to add pics of patterns I offer and more fabric samples. I heard from my new good friend Renee who is testing my catalogue bag - she likes it. She did offer some much needed constructive analysis (criticism sounds too harsh)! Thanks Renee.

Until I have everything up and running, send me an e-mail with your questions.

April 14, 2008

Getting Started

This is a new venture for me. I am excited about showing my products to others outside of my comfort zone ( my small town) and I hope everyone enjoys a bella bag as much as I enjoy making them!

Relay for Life Tote

Relay for Life Tote
we're all in it together