Girl's bibs

Girl's bibs

Boy's bibs

Boy's bibs
tractors and "dawgs"

June 12, 2008

Time keeps slipping away...

I haven't posted in quite a while and I have no excuse except for letting time slip away. I have sold several purses at a local salon and have more in the making. These will be for my site and I will post photos. Check out all the fantastic fabric available by checking out my links for Equilters and besewhappy.

A special thanks to my good and gracious friend Renee. She will taking my business cards to the Taste of Home Entertaining convention next month. Also she will be using her two catalogue bags from Bella Bags.

As summer begins, don't let time slip away without enjoying some of the more important things...
swimming, watermelon, watching afternoon thunderstorms, chasing waves at the beach!

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Relay for Life Tote

Relay for Life Tote
we're all in it together